Last round of the winter sportrap league. First 50 kindly sponsored by Manx vehicle glass Ltd. Thanks Jamie Hancox.
A class
1st N Moffatt 44/50
2nd A Kinrade 42/50
3rd K Oates 41/50
B class
Joint 1st J Hancox, R Howland and M Corrin 37/50
C Class
1st T Tongue 39/50
2nd D Corlett 32/50
3rd G Hooson-Owen
J Corkill
J Clague 31/50
16 shooters carried on after dinner to shoot for the topspec trophy kindly sponsored by Neil parsons
Winner of the trophy was 🏆Nigel Moffatt 84/100
🥈2nd Neil Parsons 77/100
🥉3rd Kevin Oates 76/100
First in
A class Martin Kneen 75/100
B class Jamie Hancox 60/100
C class Glynn Hooson-Owen 60/100