The 100 Club

Funds raised for the Club in 2023 were £981.50, which is better than in 2022, so let’s see if we can improve this in 2024

Help to RAISE FUNDS! and have a chance to WIN CASH PRIZES!

ACTC is inviting all of its members of any level, (who are over 18 years old) to join the 100 Club and help to raise money for your Club and its facilities.

For just £5 a month, you will be entered into a monthly draw, with half of the money raised being donated to ACTC and the other half being given out as three fantastic cash prizes. (A full quota of 100 members would mean prizes of £125(25%), £75(15%) and £50(10%) each month!)

To have your chance of winning, all you need to do is download or pick up a form from the Clubhouse, – fill it in and then return the completed form to the club for the attention of Peter Lowe. Thank you.

The drawers will be made monthly, and winning ticket numbers will be placed on this website page. Payments will be made every quarter. If you need additional standing order mandates for friends or family, these can be downloaded or picked up from the office.

We look forward to many of you winning prizes over the coming months, but with your support, the real winner will be the club.

Please note that the 100 Club is restricted to ACTC Membership of any level and over the age of 18. You can be an Associate Member for £1.00 per year.

Winning Numbers
for 2024
2nd930263323125258 188
Congratulations to all of our winners