MAY THROUGH TO END OF SEPTEMBER – Wednesday’s – 16:30 till 19:00/dusk – The Wednesday afternoon shoots will alternate weeks of “SPORTING” and, “DTL & ESK will be set up with OTR & OSK available on request” – should anyone wish to shoot Sporting, then it will need setting up and putting away after the shoot.
Saturday’s – 11:30 till 15:30 the range will be available for open practice. For competitions, the last registration will be 13:30 NOTE:- that on the day before a Sporting Competition, it may not be possible to open the range for sporting practice. Please check against the “Fixtures” & Facebook.
Sundays:- 09:30. The last registration for morning Competitions is 10:00. Any afternoon shoots will have the last entry at 12:30. Shooting will commence after the last registration and when squadding has been completed. Please check the “Fixtures” & Facebook for details of what shoots are coming up next.