11/8/24 Sporting Manx Championship

Today we held the annual Sporting Manx Championship kindly sponsored by Sadlers Agricultural Supplies.

There was a total of 35 shooter. 22 shooters for the competition and 13 club members shooting targets only. After a technical course we had a new name on the trophy.

Manx Champion. John Taylor 91/100
2nd Bob Corlett. 85/100
3rd Alan Wade. 84/100
Joint 4th Jake Keeling and Marty Kneen on 83/100.

Targets only
A class Kevin Oates 90/100
B class Robin Stubbs 77/100
C class Glenn Catlin 59/100

Thank you must go out to all the members that came to help set up which took over 2 days. Thanks to Alan Brew and Tony that cooked breakfast and dinner for all the shooters.